Created by Harry Lewis, Modified on Mon, 30 Sep, 2024 at 12:28 PM by Harry Lewis
Applies to:
- Velixo NX
- Sage Intacct
The SI.WRITEBACKJOURNAL function defines a single journal transaction line to be uploaded to Sage Intacct.
For a short overview of the Journal Writeback process see: Journal Writeback (Sage Intacct).
IMPORTANT: Performing writeback (i.e., Creating or Updating entities through the Sage Intacct application programming interface) requires the access rights associated with a Full User. Employee-type users in Sage Intacct would not be able to successfully perform a writeback.
SI.WRITEBACKJOURNAL(ConnectionName, Journal, PostingDate, ReverseDate, JournalDescription, ReferenceNumber, ShouldPost, AdditionalBatchSettings, AccountCode, Debit, Credit, LineCurrencySettings, Memo, Location, LineAllocationSettings, Dimensions, UserDefinedDimensions, Billable, TaxEntry, BatchNumberOutput, ShouldOpenAfterUpload)
The SI. WRITEBACKJOURNAL function uses the following Header and Line parameters:
Header Info
Parameter | Required/Optional | Description |
ConnectionName | Required | The name of the connection as configured in the Connection Manager |
Journal | Required | GL journal symbol. This determines the type of journal entry as visible in the UI, for example, Regular, Adjustment, User-defined, Statistical, GAAP, Tax, and so forth |
PostingDate | Required | The transaction date in format mm/dd/yyy |
ReverseDate | Optional | Reverse date in format mm/dd/yyyy. Must be greater than PostingDate |
JournalDescription | Required | Journal description for the transaction |
ReferenceNumber | Optional | Reference number of the transaction |
ShouldPost | Required | True or False. Determines whether or not the transaction should be automatically posted once it is created |
AdditionalBatchSettings | Optional | A two-column array of key and value pairs for defining the settings* |
* The AdditionalBatchSettings parameter is a two-column array of key+value pairs, where the "key" is a forgiving name of the respective setting from the API description:
Note that anything that is not recognized as a predefined field, is treated as the "Custom field name" from the API description.

(this example sets values for VatVendorID, VatCustomerID, and VatContactID)
Line Info
AccountCode | Required | The GL account number for the transaction |
Debit | Optional (must be left blank if Credit amount is specified) | The Debit amount to be sent to the GL Account |
Credit | Optional (must be left blank if Debit amount is specified) | The Credit amount to be sent to the GL Account |
LineCurrencySettings | Optional | The currency code to be used for the transaction |
Memo | Optional | A memo to be included in the transaction |
Location | Optional (Required if muti-entity is enabled) | ID code for the Sage Intacct location to be used for the transaction |
LineAllocationSettings | Optional | Allocation ID** All other dimension elements are ignored if Allocation is specified. |
Optional | A two-column (or two-row) Excel range, where the first column/row contains the name of a predefined analytical dimension (e.g. department, customer, project etc.), and the second column/row contains the semicolon-separated list of values or that dimension. For user-defined dimensions, use the UserDefinedDimensions argument | |
UserDefinedDimensions | Optional | A two-column (or two-row) Excel range, where the first column/row contains the name of a user-defined analytical dimension, and the second column/row contains the respective value (or a semicolon-separated list of values) for that dimension. For predefined analytical dimensions like customer, project etc., use the Dimensions argument |
Billable | Optional | True or False (default)
Applies to project-related transactions and sets whether or not the transaction is billable. |
TaxEntry | Required for AU, GB, ZA only | A two-column Excel range, where the first column contains text specifying the tax rate (as specified via the unique ID of a tax detail) and the second column contains a currency value denoting the value of the tax. |
BatchNumberOuput | Optional | The Excel cell to receive the batch code number of the batch that is created |
ShouldOpenAfterUpload | Optional | True or False (default). Indicates whether or Sage Intacct should be opened to the batch following its creation |
** The LineAllocationSettings parameter can be:
The Allocation ID or
A two-dimensional Excel range where the first row contains the name of a predefined analytical dimension (e.g. department, customer, project) and the following rows contain the respective values for that dimension. The last value must be the split transaction amount, and all split transactions amounts must sum up to either the credit or debit value.
When the Allocation parameter is used (either via Allocation ID or a a two-dimensional array), the PredefinedDimensions parameter cannot be used. When using allocation, predefined dimension values must be part of the allocation.
Example 1
=SI.WRITEBACKJOURNAL("Sage","GJ","12/31/2019",,"Liability Insurance Accrual for December 2019",,False,,"60330",,"1322.41","USD",,"100",,,,,, Expanded: =SI.WRITEBACKJOURNAL("Sage", Description Creates a transaction in the "GJ" journal. The transaction:
In addition:
using cell references: =SI.WRITEBACKJOURNAL($E$2,"GJ",$E$5,$I$11,$E$6,,IF($I$10="Yes",TRUE,FALSE),,$E$12,, J17,$I$4,,$B17,,,,,,I9,TRUE)
Here you can see an example where the cells contain the data for the function in cell K16:
![]() |
Example 2
Using the TaxEntry and AdditionalBatchSettings parameters:
For Credit transactions: =SI.WRITEBACKJOURNAL("Sage, "GJ", "12/31/2019", , "Liability Insurance Accrual for November 2019", , FALSE, {"TaxImplications","Outbound";"TaxSolutionID","United Kingdom - VAT";"VatCustomerID","10052"}, "60330", , 467.75, "USD", , "500", , , , , , I9, TRUE) Expanded: =SI.WRITEBACKJOURNAL("Sage,
For Debit transactions: =SI.WRITEBACKJOURNAL("Sage, "GJ", "12/31/2019", , "Liability Insurance Accrual for November 2019", , FALSE, {"TaxImplications","Outbound";"TaxSolutionID","United Kingdom - VAT";"VatCustomerID","10052"}, "20330", 1,403.25, , "USD", , "500", , , , , {"UK Sale Goods Reduced Rate","89.2"}, I9, TRUE) Expanded: =SI.WRITEBACKJOURNAL("Sage, Description Creates a transaction in the "GJ" journal. The transaction:
In addition:
Here is the created journal entry in Sage Intacct:
![]() ![]() In Excel, the transaction number from the journal entry has been recorded in cell I9 and the line status has been updated to Line uploaded:
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