In the formulate below, I would like to include all dimension values EXCEPT ones that contain Class "transfer". However, I can't find the right formula. If I add"<> transfer", I receive an error. Thanks!
That did not work. It essentially excluded everything. In the array that i'm working with, the class field is either " " (blank) or "transfer". Do you have a couple minutes to hop on a call tomorrow?
0 Votes
Nathan Gayeskiposted
4 months ago
Thank you Harry! I believe that worked. Testing now and will follow up if I am not getting the results I had expected.
0 Votes
Harry Lewisposted
4 months ago
Nathan -
What you are trying to say is that you want everything except TRANSFER.
0 Votes
In the formulate below, I would like to include all dimension values EXCEPT ones that contain Class "transfer". However, I can't find the right formula. If I add"<> transfer", I receive an error. Thanks!
0 Votes
Nathan Gayeski posted 4 months ago
Hello Harry,
That did not work. It essentially excluded everything. In the array that i'm working with, the class field is either " " (blank) or "transfer". Do you have a couple minutes to hop on a call tomorrow?
0 Votes
Nathan Gayeski posted 4 months ago
Thank you Harry! I believe that worked. Testing now and will follow up if I am not getting the results I had expected.
0 Votes
Harry Lewis posted 4 months ago Admin
Nathan -
What you are trying to say is that you want everything except TRANSFER.
Let's try using the syntax as listed here: Filtering techniques for use with many Velixo functions : Velixo Help Center
What happens if you use this version?
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