Displaying values on row level instead of columns

Posted 4 days ago by Harshita Sethia

Harshita Sethia
Un Answered

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Hello all,

I was wondering if it would be possible to display the column level data as row level in Velixo. So its like the columns of a GI should be displayed as rows and the values of those next to it. I have shared a format of the same in the screen.

Thanks in advance,

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Sorted by
Gabriel Michaud

Gabriel Michaud posted about 3 hours ago Admin


The =WRITEBACK*****() functions reference actuals cells in the spreadsheet, there's no problem having a writeback function reference column-level ranges vs. row-level ranges. If you face any issue feel free to post here!


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Harshita Sethia posted about 17 hours ago

And in case if I am also looking to do a writeback for all those listed rows with a new data.

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Gabriel Michaud

Gabriel Michaud posted 3 days ago Admin

Dear Harshita,

The TRANSPOSE() function in Excel is what you're looking for! Just do =TRANSPOSE(GI(Connection...)) and it will do its magic.

Happy reporting,


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