MYOB Acumatica user profile does not have an API User Access license assigned

Posted about 1 month ago by Esnath Mungazi

Esnath Mungazi
Un Answered

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I have a client who was using Velixo without any issues, until the site was upgraded to MYOB Acumatica version 2024.114.202.2619. When attempting to use Velixo an error now pops  "Your ERP user profile does not have an API User Access license assigned". I came across your support article stating the user needs to have an API license when :

  • Creating or updating inquiries
  • Using Writeback

Is this a new requirement on this version of MYOB Acumatica? If not, why is it requiring this now when the user has been working fine on Velixo all along?

We've noticed the 3 new user roles which have been introduced on this version, which we have assigned to the user.

Kindly clarify if the API license is a new requirement


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Chris Millar posted about 1 month ago Admin

Hi Esnath

Please will you do the following on the site to sort this out:

  1. Upgrade the customisation to the latest one, use this link to get the latest:  Installing the Customization Package for Acumatica-based ERPs : Velixo for Acumatica Help 
  2. The 3 new roles that have been created need to be allocated to Users who access Velixo - this is due to the massive changes in 2024R1 of Acumatica.
  3. There is another possible issue and that is around custom GIs in the system which may now not be ticked for "Expose to OData".  please check them.

I see you are at Focus in NZ (thanks for taking the call and discussion)

Chris Millar

[email protected]

Velixo Distributor ANZ

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