How to Auto-Hide headers

Posted 3 months ago by Mari-Liis Brough

Mari-Liis Brough

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Looking for an easy way to auto-hide headers.
In the example below, I have three Account Classes listed, and in the C column, I am using VTEXTSPLIT(AccountClassList()) to list accounts within the account class.
If this report is run for Branch A, the Trade and Other receivables has an ending balance for one account and therefor the row 30 should be displayed. 
If this report is run for Branch B, the Trade and Other Receivable account class has all zero values and the row 30 to 40 should be hidden from view.
The Auto_Hide Rows works well and hides all accounts with 0/nil balances, but it does not hide the account class name (Row 30).
I ended up adding a formula to check the sum for the account class and return 1 or 0, which works fine. However, I was just wondering if there would be a better/easier way to hide the account class name.

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Gabriel Michaud

Gabriel Michaud posted 3 months ago Admin Best Answer

Hi Mari-Liis,

The solution you use is what I would have suggested; we skip rows with no formula or value during evaluation of zero rows. I remember migrating a set of spreadsheets from another Excel-based solution and they were using the exact same technique.

As an alternative, if you want to make things very obvious to the user that this is where the show/hide conditions are, you could have a column called "Show/Hide", which shows either 1 or 0 in the cell. The "Show/Hide" column can be outside the print area or even hidden.



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Mari-Liis Brough posted 2 months ago

Thanks, Gabriel, for replying and for confirming that my way of using 1,0s is the same as you would use. 

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Gabriel Michaud

Gabriel Michaud posted 3 months ago Admin Answer

Hi Mari-Liis,

The solution you use is what I would have suggested; we skip rows with no formula or value during evaluation of zero rows. I remember migrating a set of spreadsheets from another Excel-based solution and they were using the exact same technique.

As an alternative, if you want to make things very obvious to the user that this is where the show/hide conditions are, you could have a column called "Show/Hide", which shows either 1 or 0 in the cell. The "Show/Hide" column can be outside the print area or even hidden.



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