Then on the Velixo spreadsheet, we could just add the screen name and record parameter(s)
The function would be something like VelixoHyperlink (Connection, Screen, Parameter1, Variable1, Parameter2, Variable2...)
e.g. =VelixoHyperlink( "VelixoDemo","GL301000","Module",B13#,"BatchNbr",B14#)
1 Votes
Damien Zwillingerposted
12 months ago
Hi Jeffrey
This is a great idea! And it's a funny timing too, as we are about to release a new AR Aging Report Template with custom hyperlinks to records.
This doesn't require any new Velixo function today, see this example below that uses only the HYPERLINK and CONCAT functions:
However that needs a hardcoded Instance URL and in some cases for records that also require a DocType, a mapping of document type and their Screen id:
Regarding InstanceURL, we are planning to work on such new function which would return the full URL or the parts that users specify on the Connection screen (i.e URL, Tenant).
1 Votes
It would good if we had a Velixo Function that gave us the url path for the current connection
e.g: //https://Acumatica Site//Main?CompanyID=Acumatica Tenant&ScreenID=
Then on the Velixo spreadsheet, we could just add the screen name and record parameter(s)
The function would be something like VelixoHyperlink (Connection, Screen, Parameter1, Variable1, Parameter2, Variable2...)
e.g. =VelixoHyperlink( "VelixoDemo","GL301000","Module",B13#,"BatchNbr",B14#)
1 Votes
Damien Zwillinger posted 12 months ago Admin
Hi Jeffrey
This is a great idea! And it's a funny timing too, as we are about to release a new AR Aging Report Template with custom hyperlinks to records.
This doesn't require any new Velixo function today, see this example below that uses only the HYPERLINK and CONCAT functions:
However that needs a hardcoded Instance URL and in some cases for records that also require a DocType, a mapping of document type and their Screen id:Regarding InstanceURL, we are planning to work on such new function which would return the full URL or the parts that users specify on the Connection screen (i.e URL, Tenant).
I hope this helps.
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