If I want to run a report to build a table of data to use in analysis, but the accounts I want to pull are non sequential, whats the best way to do that.
The example half way down this link has a 'From Account' and 'To Account'. Unfortunately I am new to my organization and did not set up the GL. and I have accounts spread out that I want to build reconciliations for using the GIFilter / Velixo-GLDetails.
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Harry Lewis posted
over 1 year ago
AdminBest Answer
Hello. Whenever doing a query based on non-contiguous values (such as non-sequential account numbers), each value would need to be specified in the filter you create.
Here is an example for retrieving data for four separate account numbers:
It's important to keep in mind that, if there are too many values, the filter can become so long as to surpass Excel's ability to store the string.
0 Votes
Harry Lewisposted
over 1 year ago
Hello. Whenever doing a query based on non-contiguous values (such as non-sequential account numbers), each value would need to be specified in the filter you create.
Here is an example for retrieving data for four separate account numbers:
0 Votes
If I want to run a report to build a table of data to use in analysis, but the accounts I want to pull are non sequential, whats the best way to do that.
The example half way down this link has a 'From Account' and 'To Account'. Unfortunately I am new to my organization and did not set up the GL. and I have accounts spread out that I want to build reconciliations for using the GIFilter / Velixo-GLDetails.
0 Votes
Harry Lewis posted over 1 year ago Admin Best Answer
Hello. Whenever doing a query based on non-contiguous values (such as non-sequential account numbers), each value would need to be specified in the filter you create.
Here is an example for retrieving data for four separate account numbers:
0 Votes
Gabriel Michaud posted over 1 year ago Admin
Thanks Harry.
Nathaniel, also please note that it's also possible to use the Velixo Range Filtering Syntax and the EXPANDACCOUNTRANGE function to achieve this:
P.S. You can hardcode the connection name and inquiry name in the function if you prefer, like that:
0 Votes
Harry Lewis posted over 1 year ago Admin
It's important to keep in mind that, if there are too many values, the filter can become so long as to surpass Excel's ability to store the string.
0 Votes
Harry Lewis posted over 1 year ago Admin Answer
Hello. Whenever doing a query based on non-contiguous values (such as non-sequential account numbers), each value would need to be specified in the filter you create.
Here is an example for retrieving data for four separate account numbers:
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